muhammed | portfolio

Muhammed Bojang

a frontend developer transitioning into a fullstack developer, from the gambia, west africa



HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is basic building blocks of the web. it defines the meaning and structure of web content. I have a fully understanding of modern HTML, i used the standard form of displaying elements in HTML (Semantics)


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML. I've mastered float layout, flexbox and grid layout, animation etc. and also making websites responsive for all screen devices


SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheet) is an extension of CSS that enables you to use things like variables, nasted rules, inline imports and more. it also help to keep things organised and allows you to create style sheet faster.


Javascript often abbreviated as JS is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. Javascript is a high level programming language. It is a just-in-time compiled programming language. I and aso know both ES5 and ES6


Over the past one and half year github is the most important tool in my skill set, i have been using it to host my project and also share my code with other developers.i've learnt alot on github by reviewing other developers code


I have been using sql for the past 3 year developing relational database, but i never actually worked on a web application backend. but i am still learning and will sure start working with backend together with sql.

adobe photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is the world's best imaging and graphic design software at The core of just about every creative project. from photo editing and compositing to digital painting, animation and graphic design. I have 4 years of experience using photoshop for designing.

adobe xd

Adobe XD is the UX/UI design solution for experience designers to design, prototype and share engaging user experiences. I've been using Adobe XD for mainly designing websites and mobile applications.

adobe illustrator

I have 1 year experience of using adobe illustrator mainly for creating icons logos and svg shapes. I am very comfortable using it for both for fun and work professionals works. I also enjoy teaching people how to use it.


absolute estate

Absolute estate is real estate website that i built using html css sass and javascript, i use modern css features like grid layout and flexbox. it consist of four pages home, properties, contact and news section. users can find properties listed for sale, with the help of google map api i embedded in it and also svg icons as well. this project is only a frontend design but will complete the backend with nodejs very soon

  • html
  • css
  • sass
  • javascript

Needia island

Needia island is a fictional Island for tourist to visit spend time on holidays and vacations. Tourist can visit our wonderful beaches, restaurants, organize events like weddings, birthdays and taking advantage of the beautiful green nature to have the greatest time of their lives. tourists can either book the vip or the basic level. both having amazing accommodations but vip has slide advantages over the basic level.

  • html
  • css
  • sass
  • javascript

flex gym

flex gym is a local gym center for training. all users have to do is to subscribe to the payment plan. there are four difference payment plans namely basic, economic, standard and premium. the website also offers online training sessions. flex gym has different section the favorite section is the FAQ section which has a drop down answer to the most frequently asked questions.

  • html
  • css
  • sass
  • javascript


GMBFLASH is a fictional fashion shop website. It only focus on african cloths. They are three different category of cloths on this site namely kids cloth, men cloths, women cloths, Users can looking into our creation on the portfolio section & gallery section to see work and can contact us if want any creative fashion design or tech-linked our shop looking on our map section. Our working hours are also on this website.

  • html
  • css
  • sass
  • javascript


Sportmax is a fictional eCommerce website that has opened up doors for brands to branch out of different target market and increase communication With real-time information. this website focused on football (soccer) products mainly on trousers, jarsey, socks and shoes. users can sort through products and read information about a particual products before purchasing it, and can also subscribe to our newsletter

  • html
  • css
  • sass
  • javascript


Afroculture is an fictional african restaurant website which sales many african food online. As more and more restaurant are opening the demand for food is getting higher especially home delivery. afroculture offers home delivery and also allows clients to make an order by looking at the menu section and selecting his/her choice. customer can also see the ingredients used in preparing foods before making an order.

  • html
  • css
  • sass
  • javascript

about me


Hi am Muhammed Bojang,
I am an energetic and imaginative frontend developer transitioning into fullstack developer, who is able to work alongside other talented IT professionals in creating websites to the very highest standards. I have a high awareness of industry issues and trends, particularly in regard to accessibility, usability, emerging technologies. I am an ambitious type who wants to get noticed, and has the drive and massive energy needed to really make a difference to a project. I am currently learning React with redux and router. I'm also interested in computer security, i've finished many CTF online. Whenever i'm free, i am always digging into other developers codes to find a bug, then report it to get fixed, before the bad guys do. Right now i'm looking for a junior level position with an exciting company that wants to attract talented people.

contact me
